‘Doppelganger’ is a short thriller film by budding Italian director, Nicolo Riboni which follows a man named Thomas and his misfortune. Thomas is dragged inside a mirror by his Doppelgänger who steals his place in the real world.
The Story
Doppelganger is a short story that follows an individual who has all the stereotypical traits of a “sad life”. The main character has lost his girlfriend, is living in a dingy home which is half unpacked, bottles scattered over the floor, has a sour relationship with his mother and is all-round depressed. A doppelganger soon appears - different to the character in all aspects. Bubbly, fun, an optimistic personality, ready to take control of the main character’s life.
This short film tackles a thriller in a different way than most. It looks at a negative situation having positive consequences. Though it is uncertain as to why the doppelganger decides to take over the main character’s life, this can be interpreted as an introspective film. One which allows you to consider your current person and who you’d like to be. Would you channel the more optimistic, bubbly and fun version of yourself or maintain the anxious, self-deprecating character that currently exists? The fact that there is a version of you out there that has already overcome your fears and doubts is what should inspire you to actively make a change.
When approached regarding this short, I was drawn to the initial references provided by the director and cinematographer. They both imagined a dark, cool-toned film that alluded to the idea of tension, fear and horror. I thought that it would be quite interesting to have that darkness contrasted by the pop of colour at the end of the short and decided to play with tones in the set which would add to this darkness. I thought it was important to use a lot of blues, greens and greys to capture this imagery especially as the tension grew.
Director: Nicolo Riboni
Starring: Damian Gildea and Arteeva
Written by: Nicolo Riboni & Francesca Nider
Produced by: Nicolo Riboni
DoP: Tim Jolly
1AC: Faisal Khan
Gaffer: Dragoş Czinjepolschi
Spark: Nuno Beirão
Set and costume designer: Tabitha Odutayo
Sound: Amelie Benard
MUA: Mariana Grigore
PA: Antoine Law
Edited by: Nicolo Riboni
Colour: James Galbraith
Sound Design: Amelie Benard
Music by Tony Halliwell