‘Transcendence’ is a fashion film created to represent the beautiful work of fashion designer Megan Gardner. It features pieces from her Tempus 360 collection. You can view the collection now on her website:
The Story
In 2022, Transcendence was brought to me as a concept when I joined Megan Gardner as a set designer. The idea was to produce something exciting, representing her Tempus 360 collection. It was Meg’s first videography project however we were able to see the love and time that was poured into the garments.
Creating a simple set that did not take away the beauty of the collection was more difficult than I originally thought. We were located in an aerial gym to film this and I had multiple ideas of how to dress the set. After seeing the location and garments, I knew that I wanted to give the imagery of floating and freedom. The visual imagery of transformation and reaching a higher self came from the colours and texture of the fabrics added for the set design, which also related to the colour scheme of the Tempus 360 collection.
Videographer: Darius Iromlou
Fashion designer: Meg J Gardner
H&MUA: Georgia Hodds
Editor: Darius Iromlou
Production designer: Tabitha Odutayo
Model: Ella Judge