An exploration of fashion, self-expression and feminity through the height of 70s Britain and the rise of the punk era. 'SEX' is a short film created by fashion student, Emma Christopher, for her Final Major Project.
The Story
'SEX' follows a young prostitute who finds a suitor to satisfy her for the night. In this perspective, she is shown as the one who holds the power, meanwhile, the suitor is at her beck and call. Nervous and inexperienced, she takes the reins, whilst he remains completely infatuated with her.
The beauty of this fashion film was that it was all about the styling and the different layers of fashion within it. As usual, the set aimed to compliment the clothing, remaining minimal but striking enough to draw enough attention, telling of the unspoken behaviour in each scene, and providing cues to the viewer. When presenting the design package, I had to work within budget restraints, space and limited time. This meant I needed to work quickly and efficiently to produce an outcome that would support this film's realisation.
In particular, the final scene was the most simple but important as it told the story of the morning after. Details were shown through the gentle light that ended the scene with the two protagonists laying between white sheets. This immediately shows a striking juxtaposition between the white representing purity, and the suggestions of mon pure action in between the cut-out. This highlights the finer details within the production design of this fashion film.
Directors: China Marie & Emma Christopher
DoP: Belle Palmano & Tom Everest
Production Designer: Tabitha Odutayo
Editor: Ellis Josebury
Set Dresser: Rhianna Molina
Sound Design and Music: Alice Backstrom
Music: Kuba-Iyis Esi Bennett
Head Stylist: Emma Christopher